
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ok, time to update this mess. Where to begin?
It has been almost 2 weeks since I started my real life test (RLT) and finally, I am at some semblance of peace with myself. I should probably go back and give some reference points for myself:
12 days ago, I started my real life test (June 1)
2 1/2 weeks ago, I had meetings with fellow employees of both of my employers, letting them know what was going to happen. (May 24 and 25)
3 weeks ago, I got my new drivers license in my new name (May 19)
4 weeks ago, I got my name change from the courts (May 12)
3 months ago, I filed for name change with the court (March 9)
8 1/2 months ago, I started hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (October 1, 2004)
13 months ago, I tried to do something stupid (enough said) (May 2004)
All this time, I have been trying to survive; and now that I can think about it, I think I will.
I have been reading all these posts from others like me and have come to realize that my grandfather was right; there two kinds of people in the world - those who do and those who don't, plain and simple.
I am going to go forward and live my life, and try to leave behind me a legacy for others to follow, not wreckage and ruin. And to further those goals I am going to try to start updating weekly (Saturday night/Sunday morning). There is too much information in the world and not enough ready access to it. Towards this end, I will be releasing more info on the processes involved in my Journey, maybe a little more detailed chronology.
One last thought - my boss told me it takes a lifetime to make habits, but you can choose to change them in less than a month, I am beginning to see the wisdom in her words.
Okay, enough early morning ramblings, goodnight...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

If I am going to make sense of things I am going to have to keep this updated.  This has been the most horrid week of my life,.  I got a 5-day suspensiion from work for printing off a letter from my surgeon...  It really is as they say:  Life sucks, then you die.  I am dying a little more each day inside as the society around me squeezes ever harder to put me into a proper slot, truly depressing......

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yesterday was the start of something big in my life, I can only hope friends and family can see it as that, and not as a final chapter. People say that life is a journey, I think this is somewhat simplified. Some days I feel like the driver, others the car....
more later

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